EndNote advantage: Attaching PDF

I went to a short talk about Endnote and found out the most useful thing in Endnote. This feature is not available in Endnote Web. I was also thinking about attaching PDF rather than saving it one by one in a folder. So I use Endnote to save the PDFs.

Since I have my Endnote Web, I transfer all the references to Endnote.

You can select all the listed references. Go to References –> find full text.

Then press OK

As soon as it found the full text, you can see the paperclip sign. Click on the reference and you can find the full PDF file of that paper!

I guess I’m going to use endnote for saving my pdf.

Later, when you want to save the library somewhere else and the size is too big, you can compressed the size of the file. No problem.

Thats it!! Back to work!

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